Well, when doge came, it brought with itself, Domge. One of my friend would use words with m inserted in it at someplace like bmro (my favourite one) and it’s sounds good too.
So I thought of this thing, “Can I create a vocabulary from English using certain rules for insertion of m, that sounds good too?”. By sounding good, I just mean that, it’s good to read. To get the feel , try “bmro” and “brmo”. Got it?
Yeah! So I started creating certain rules. And to my amazement, I was able to create a new vocabulary(that sounds good) with 9 rules only.
Here are these rules:
- There should be only one editing.
- No change in the first and last character.
- Replace “oo” with “u”.
- If the word has 3 characters and ends with consonant, then no change.
- If a character get repeated twice continuously, replace the first occurrence of that character with “m”.
- Replace first occurrence of “n” with “m”.
- If a vowel comes before a consonant. Insert “m” between them. The following preference is given [u,o,e,i,a].
- If a consonant comes before a vowel, insert “m” before that consonant.
- Finally replace any continuous repetition of “m” with single “m”.
I have implemented a code, to convert a English sentence into Emglish sentence, here.
Hello Bro! -> Hemlo Bmro!Wanna Meet? -> Wamna met?
If you found any Emglish word, that doesn’t sound good. Feel free to create a pull request in this repo.
Emjoy !!